Who am I?

Who am I? ***** THE CAT BOOK ***** My book ***** Jazz ***** Gigi ***** Kara ***** The Amazing Store


Fastidious cats

Jazz and Kara are very fastidious about dry food.
Two weeks ago I didn't find the dry food they usually eat, so I bought another brand. It was the equivalent to their usual food, but it had smaller pieces. It was excellent cat food, anyway, and they ate it.
But then I finally found the right one, so I mixed the usual one with the new one.
And it came out that they don't like the new one anymore.
What amazes me, is how they can pick the old one from the small one when they're all mixed together!
Today they were extremely fastidious, anyway, because their bowl was filled with the new one and they claimed to have their bowl to be filled again with their usual food.
“No!”, I told them, “I don't want to throw good food away.”
So they simply tried to force their way into the cupboard and steal the old ones!
Cats will be cats...

Forever kitten

Little Kara is not really a kitten. Actually she's nearly 5 years old. But her humans simply cannot help seeing her as a very little, cute and sweet baby ;-)


We're back!

We're here!
Yes, we're still here!
But I think I owe you some kind of explanation, because I've been away for quite a long time.
So, here are my explanations.
1) Cats are not quite OK. They're physically OK, but not psychologically OK. In other words, they're still quite upset. It's nothing really serious, but... it's a strange life, because Kara still seems to be afraid of Jazz and Gigi. Now she decided that our bedroom is HER bedroom, and doesn't want the other two cats to get in it. It's quite sad for us having to split our house in two...
2) I had to change computer and upgrade my software. And had to learn to use new things once again... it was not easy, as I'm no longer a teen...
3) I had to work... no need to explain it, I hope.
4) IF (IF) everything works right, on the end of May I'll be here: http://www.bookexpoamerica.com/ as an exhibitor, and I'm working hard for this...
5) ...I'm afraid I've lost my english dictionary... but it must be somewhere, so I have good hopes I'll find it very, very soon..
...anyway, we're back.
And we're here to stay! :-)